The game is about working in a fruit market, your job is to move with your cart plenty of fruits and put each fruit in its appropriate box.Every time you put a fruit in the right place, you earn a helping card, your objective is to make either a collection of identical cards or a collection of different cards, The more cards you collect, the bigger prize you win.You well play in multiple fruit markets, during your game you will try to earn enough jewels that allow you to buy the next market key and that before arriving at the new market door. If you do not have the number of the jewels required to buy the key, you can convert coins to jewels.In addition to being an entertaining game for adults, this game can be useful for children by training their ability to focus and pay attention. It also motivates them to use they minds and thinking, by trying to arrange the cards in a way that makes them win more prizes and advance towards new fruit markets.